Florian Hohenwarter

Intro-Text // Geschäftsführer der KNDS Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Superscript // 3

Florian Hohenwarter was born in Regensburg, Germany.

Mr. Hohenwarter holds a degree in electrical engineering from the Baden Württemberg Cooperative State University. He began his professional career in 1999 at Mercedes-Benz AG Passenger Cars in Quality Management. From 2001 to 2019, he held various positions at Mercedes-Benz AG Passenger Cars in Germany and abroad, including Head of the Global Quality Engineering Center, leading operations functions as part of the ramp-up of the Mercedes-Benz plant in Beijing, Head of Supply Chain Management Mercedes-Benz Passenger Cars Large Series and Head of the Production Network Components and Structural Parts Castings/ Forging Mercedes-Benz Passenger Cars. At Mercedes-Benz AG, Mr. Hohenwarter was ultimately Head of Production Europe/Africa Passenger Cars. Since April 2023, he is Chief Operating Officer of KNDS Germany GmbH & Co. KG. He was appointed a member of the Supervisory Board in 2024.

  • Other current mandates:
    • Managing Director of KNDS Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
  • Previously:
    • Chairperson of the supervisory board of MB Manufacturing Hungary (2019 to 2023)
    • Member of the supervisory board of MB Südafrika (2019 to 2023)

Other than listed above, Florian Hohenwarter has not been a member of any administrative, management or supervisory body of any other company or partnership outside the Group within the last five years.