Klaus Stahlmann

Intro-Text // Independent Director bei Trillium Flow Technologies Holdco Ltd, Vereinigtes Königreich Ehemaliger Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender bei Kelvion Holding GmbH, Bochum
Superscript // 3

Klaus Stahlmann was born in Bogota, Colombia.

Klaus Stahlmann holds a degree in business administration and electrical engineering from Hochschule Darmstadt. He started his career in 1986 at Carl Schenck AG, where he worked as assistant of the head of the market research and planning business unit. In 1986, he joined Krupp Fördertechnik GmbH, where he worked as department manager purchasing (1986-1990), business unit manager logistics (1991-1995), managing director of Krupp South Africa (1995-1999) and head of the transportation division (1999-2001). From 2001 to 2006, he was chief executive officer of Allweiler AG before he became managing director of the European bearings division at NSK Deutschland GmbH. In 2007, he joined MAN SE as member of the executive board and was responsible for the power engineering division and chief executive officer of MAN Diesel & Turbo SE. From 2012 to 2015, he was chief executive officer of Sulzer AG. He was chairman of the supervisory board of Kelvion Holding GmbH until 2023 and since 2020, he is independent director of Trillium Flow Technologies Holdco Ltd. He was appointed as member of the Supervisory Board in 2023.

  • Other current mandates:
    • Non-executive board member of Trillium Flow Technologies Holdco Ltd., London, United Kingdom, since 2020.
  • Previously:
    • Member and chairperson of the advisory board of Kelvion Holding GmbH, Bochum, Germany, 2016-2021.

Other than listed above, Klaus Stahlmann has not been a member of any administrative, management or supervisory body of any other company or partnership outside the Group within the last five years.

Member of the Mediation Committee